Never assume, because assumption poisons the the people you love. 😘

10 Feb

Bismillah Wassolatu wassalam ‘ala Rasulullah wa’ ala Alihi wasohbihi wasallim.


I’m grateful for all the blessings Allah bestowed upon me. I’m grateful more for the bitter experiences Allah allowed me to go through. Alhamdulillah this year 2020 is a beginning of change. I’m not a fan of change but inshaAllah with Allah’s mercy and guidance, I am trying my best to embrace change.

A change of my kid’s school routine.

A change of my work and management in Little Quran Kids.

A change of my parent’s living back in Singapore.

And some other changes. MashaAllah.

With these overwhelming changes, I will need to be involve more in the field and communicate with people. Earlier this year, something very emotional experience happened. It involved me and how I deal with the people around me. I am still struggling to solve this, but nevertheless I am very thankful to go through this mashaAllah.

This whole feeling reminds me of my Adab with the people around me. How do I take care of my heart and their heart too. How do I don’t hurt myself and not hurting them too. How to I don’t feel pain and not letting them be in pain too. How do I not cry alone at night and not letting them cry alone too.

And I found the answer in this 2:

1. Renew Intention. Know that in everything we do, make sure we do for the sake of Allah. We do to please Allah. We do to please Rasulullah. We do for Allah. Never do things to please people. Never do things to please your mother. Never do things to please your boss. Never do things to please your husband. So in case you are feeling imbalance somewhere in your life, return to your intention and renew it back. This helps a lot. InshaAllah ❤️

2. Take care of Adab. You may be a stay-at-home mother. You may be student. You may be working and studying. You may be in business. Or even volunteering in a community. Whatever you are doing right now, know that apart from achieving those goals and dreams, take a step back, to appreciate the people around you. Take time to be kind. Take time to make someone smile every day. How? By taking care of our manners with the people around us. Here are 5 Adab with friends, colleagues and people around I learnt from my teacher :

1. Think good. Among all, this is the number one important we need to train our mind with. To think good of our friends even when the situation seems negative. Let’s say you are attending a Quran class and you saw a lady came without hijab wearing red lipstick. The kind automatically will think good. Now, stop that bad thought. Always find good in someone. Perhaps she is a Muallaf. Perhaps she just came back from work. Never ever assume, because assumption poisons the people you love. I’ve experienced this before, and it is extremely painful. There was a story of how a man think good to everyone met. He thinks good of an elderly man because he is older and had performed many good deeds. He thinks good of a young boy because he is younger and is lesser in sins. He thinks good of a dog because all animals will enter Jannah. MashaAllah. May Allah grant us Husnuz Zhon always amin!

2. Love them for the sake of Allah. Begin the relationship with love. Love starts with Rahmah. And Rahmah begins with Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam. Treat the people around us with love and sincerity. Buy them gifts during their birthdays. Visit them when they are sick. Text them motivation messages once in a while. Just bear in mind, tht this action you do is only to please Allah, and nothing else matters.

3. Overlooked their mistakes. In any relationship, there are bound to be flaws, mistakes, jealousy and other hiccups. Embrace this. If you really love that person and sincerely appreciate your relationship, you will overlooked their mistakes and start a new. Our Allah is Al-Afuw Al-Ghafur. Our Rasulullah forgives his Ummah. And what about us? Overlooked their mistakes means move forward, improve, and Forget about it. This is where we always thought that its okay to forgive but not forget. I beg to differ. We need to forgive and forget. Not because of the relationship per se. But because of our heart, to purify this heart into a sound clean heart inshaAllah.

5. Make du’a secretly for them. Last but not least, always make du’a for them secretly because the Angels will surely grant a du’a which is kept secret.

4. Forgives them. Only when we can forget their flaws, forget their mistakes, forget the hurt they threw to is, then we will be able to forgive them sincerely. There was a story during about the secret of one Sahabah who enters Jannah: He forgives everyone before he sleeps and that’s include forgiving himself. May Allah make us the people who loves to Forgive. Amin💚

From the bottom of my heart,

I love each and everyone of you Lillahi Ta’ala. May Allah put barakah and Iman in our relationship. May this relationship be the reason we are grant the protection of Allah on Judgement day. Amin..

11 soulful Umrah tips with kids.

8 Dec

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim..

Allahumma Solli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wasohbihi wasallim 💚

Salam Ithnain everyone! The day where our beloved Rasulullah was born.

MashaAllah it has been 3 days since we came from our 18 days Umrah trip and our sleeping time is still Mecca time. InshaAllah soon, the body will go back to the normal Singapore time inshaAllah.

Do you know that 6 years ago,

I intent to do my Umrah when my first born was a still a baby. But at that time, Allah didn’t allow it. And mashaAllah, when Allah allows it, somehow Allah gives the best of the best mashaAllah.. So lesson learnt :

Always trust in Allah’s timing.

So here inshaAllah ,

Allow me to share 11 Umrah tips with kids. Just bear in mind, that bringing them to Umrah is an IBADAH too:

1. Heart

To tell your heart to always talk to Allah always. When the airport has some hiccup, talk to Allah and ask for help. When the kids are feeling tired, talk to Allah and ask for solution. When you are feeling sad of something, talk and cry to Allah. Because when we let the heart to talk to Allah, our tongue will be taken care of. As the saying goes, silence os golden.

2. Humility

Have a mind that people around you are always better than you. That Pakistan mummy is richer than you. Than Arab Aunty is more pious than you. That Australian mother is better in memorising Quran than you. Be humble, because those who humble themselves, Allah will raise them. InshaAllah.

3. Husnuz Zhon

Think good of everything.

If you see people still at the hotel aft Azan, think good. Perhaps they are tired or the ladies are on menses.

If you dislikes the body odour of that someone beside you, think good. Sje may have a body odour, but perhaps her heart is more clean than you. So, always think good.

4. Renew Intention.

To always say your intention in the heart and Re-track your focus. Perhaps you have been taking care of Jemaah prayer in the Masjid and never miss a prayer, so renew intention. Do it for Allah instead of showing off to others.

Perhaps you have been doing shopping most nights, renew your intention. This is not a vacation. This is a spiritual journey between you and Allah. So come back and do it for Allah.

5. Repeat Istighfar

I believe we sins every second.

The eyes may look at people’s fault. The ears may hear the negative whispers. The mind may think low of that man without shoes. The heart may feel envy to that person next to you. So, keep repeating Istighfar, and even do Solat Sunat Taubah every day.

6. Make a du’a list

Learn not to be selfish when making a du’a. Learn to be generous in making a du’a. So have a du’a list and sincerely make du’a for others.

7. Lower expectation

Especially when we are traveling with the kids. In both Mecca and Medina, mostly I never plan my to-do list with the kids. But I prepare them a bag each and some writing materials. They need to prepare things in it so they can occupy themselves when we are at the Masjid. Alhamdulillah.💚 They managed to be responsible enough to take care of their bags and chose the things they love.

8. Love and respect your spouse

Umrah with spouse feels like honeymoon. I mean not that first time love session, but more of the silent ‘I love you’. We take turns to bring the kids for Jemaah prayer. If the husband feels like doing Qiyam at the Masjid, I will stay at the hotel with the kids. Then after Subuh, he will let me be at the Masjid till Zuhur and he will bring the kids for breakfast and visit to Al-Baqi’ or Ma’la. MashaAllah to marriage..

9. Be the light to others

Always help others. Smile sincerely. Give generously. Just help, and instantly Allah helps you more.

10. Be grateful always

This is easier said than done. Esp when I am able to only do one Umrah cause my menses came early tht month. I am truly sad, and down. But my husband reminded me to be grateful and how easy and smoothly our Umrah with kids were. We did our Tawaf and the kids are walking by themselves quietly. We did our sa’i happily and excitedly as the kids are so energetic with the jogging part. We did our Tahallul Graciously esp when the kids felt so fun to witness cutting owm hairs and looking at their father’s bald head.


Then I started to count my blessings both in Mecca amd Medina. We did our own plan. But Allah had planned for us to meet Ustaz Nuzhan and Jemaah for us to tag them along with. Then we met our friend from Darul Makmur who studied in Medina and he brought us over to Madina University and some other places there. Then, in Mecca Allah had planned us to meet Ustaz Sofyan and we again tag them along in their Ziarah journey. (though I can’t count Allah’s blessings)

And many more.

I cried and hugged my husband.

Feeling a shame of how ungrateful I am.


So yes,

Be grateful to every small things that happen to you.

11. Seek knowledge and wisdom

Above all,

Seek knowledge and wisdom.

I read an Umrah book, I asked friends who went Umrah with kids before and do lots of reading and research for myself and husband. Remember that in marriage, it’s always a teamwork. So we learn and share with each other.

For the kids,

It’s more of teaching them Sirah amd Umrah journey through songs and Qasidah. Like when we visited Maqam Sayyidatina Khadijah, we sing the Qasidah and d slowly shared with them how Allah never send Salam to any woman on earth except to her mashaAllah.

Yes mashaAllah,

It’s not an easy journey but it is worth it.

May Allah accept our Umrah.

May Allah accepts all our prayers amd Ibadah.

May Rasulullah accept our Selawat amd ziarah.

May Allah and Rasulullah invite all of us again therr, inshaAllah. Amin! 🥰🥰

The best parenting goal I’ve ever know.

25 Oct

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Allahumma Solli Alaihi Wa’ala Alihi Sohbihi wasallim.

Salam Jum’ah Jum’ah everyone!

MashaAllah mashaAllah. It’s a busy term and hope our hearts are healing and reaching Allah and Rasulullah inshaAllah. 💚

Last night was the final sessioof my #lovelettersfromAllah. I am grateful to see how many of you grow and learn from each other mashaAllah. I pray that after attending many sessions of #lovelettersfromAllah, we are better than who we were yesterday inshaAllah.

Alhamdulillah yesterday, I started the session with a soul reflection by sharing with them how the people of Tarim measure their success. The people of Tarim feels that by the age of 30, if you have not dream of Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam, means you need to buck up more. You are not there yet. MashaAllah mashaAllah.

Then, I shared about the story of how these two Yamani mothers raised their sons. Their parenting goal is to ensure that :

1. The child dream of Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam.

2. The child has Husnul Khatimah (good death)



It make me reflect how far am I as a mother from these good solih people.

It make me reflect how far am I as a Muslimah from these good solih people.

Our wants,

Our priorities,

Our choices.

Especially our relationship with Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam.

As we are approaching to the month of Rasulullah, month of Rabiulawal, let us priorities Rasulullah as how Rasulullah has been prioritising us during his lifetime.

He sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam priorities us over food.

He sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam priorities us over the Angel’s Jibril offer to make mountain of Uhud as gold.

He sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam priorities us over his sleep.

He sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam priorities us over his sahabah.

One day when Sayyidatina Aisha Radhiyallahu anha saw Rasulullah with a cheerful face, she said :

“Oh Rasulullah, make du’a to Allah for me.”

Rasulullah replied :

“Oh Allah, forgive Aisha for her past and future sins, in secret and in public.

Sayyidatina Aisha laughed so much that her head fell on his lap.

Rasulullah said:

” Does my du’a make you happy? ”

She replied :

” Why would your du’a make not make me happy?

Rasulullah said:

” By Allah, it is my du’a for my Ummah in every prayer. “

Sahih Ibn Hibban 7266

MashaAllah ladies,

Let’s think good of Rasulullah.

And let’s do more for him,

Especially in our daily selawat.

Allahumma Solli Alaihi Wa’ala Alihi Sohbihi.

May one day,

All of us get to dream Rasulullah before we die. Amin. 😭😭😭

“Stay broken.” – One of the most soulful advice ever.

27 Sep

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Allahumma Solli Alaihi Wa’ala Alihi Sohbihi wasallim.

Salam Jum’ah Jum’ah everyone!

May Allah grant us His love and Mercy every day. Amin.

How are you sisters?

How’s your heart?

I hope and pray that whatever you are going through, may Allah eases all your affairs inshaAllah amin.

For me all is Alhamdulillah.💚

Work with Little Quran Kids team has been mashaAllah so far. We have found another place in Bugis. Will share more once it’s finalised. For those who are keen to join #lqk2020, registration is still open at our website okay?

Family relationship is another test and happiness mashaAllah. Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam has always reminded us to take care of Silaturrahmi. Be it with our own family or family-in-law. There will always be struggles, but always choose kindness over hatred okay?

Today inshaAllah,

Allow me to reflect upon this advice from a sister H.W shared in her Ig post. One of thShe things she wrote is: Stay broken.

I was awed and amazed by her advice. But at the same time, I am afraid and fear to go through brokenness over and over again.


I feel all of you had experienced with brokenness before right?

Perhaps your heart is broken because your man left you and married another woman.

Perhaps your heart is broken because your man passed away a month before your marriage.

Perhaps your heart is broken because your daughter passed away at 3 months.

MashaAllah mashaAllah.

The feeling of brokenness is too overwhelming.

The feeling of brokenness is too sensitive.

The feeing of brokenness is too breathless.

And how can we want to stay broken?😭

Because healing and moving on from heart broken is never easy.

So I was reflecting on my first brokenhearted experience. It happened when I was in Tarim, waiting for my final result in Al-Azhar. I cannot say exactly what happened, but that moment was the first time of me experiencing brokenhearted. And i remember at that time, Ustazah N shared such an apt Hadith Qudsi to ease my broken.
In an article from healing – hearts shared:

Allah resides in Broken Hearts
Divine narrative: (hadith qudsi)“I am with those whose hearts are broken for My sake.”

(At haf 6/290)The heart of a man receives shocks in many ways, e.g. anxieties, troubles, accidents, casualties, thus the heart is broken, but why? Just to make it a target for Allah’s mercy and bounty.

Dr Iqbal’s Poem:
The heart is like a mirror. Do not prevent it from being broken. It’s breakage is more dearer in the sight of its maker (i.e Allah), than its safety. Almighty Allah being indeed the Maker.

MashaAllah mashaAllah. 💚

My intention of sharing with you this soulful advice is to tell you to:

NEVER GIVE UP in Allah’s mercy.

HAVE HOPE in Allah’s love.

HOLD ON to Allah’s rope.

Stay broken doesn’t mean that we cannot be happy.

Stay broken doesn’t mean that we cannot remarry.

Stay broken doesn’t mean that we are not worth it.


Look at it positively.

Stay broken means we can choose to be happy, but real spiritual happiness is in Akhirah.

Stay broken means to choose gratitude over pain.

Stay broken means to choose to see things beyond our plan.

Stay broken means to rely only on Allah when the world goes against us.

Look at the life of our beloved Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam.

His life was always in a constant brokenness.

His family members do not embraced Islam except a few.

His strong support from his uncle and wife passed away.

His sons were taken away too.

His heart was broken one after another.

Look at the life of Sayyidatina Khadijah Radhiyallahu anha wa ardhaha.

Her heart was broken twice before marrying Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam.

She spent her life in poverty, struggles and hardship even though she was a rich business woman.

MashaAllah mashaAllah.

What I am trying to share is that,

This life is a test and a choice.

We may be poor, but we can choose to be grateful and work harder.

We may lost our loved one, but we can choose to heal, move on and think good of Allah’s generosity.

We may feel pain and lonely, but we can choose to let go and let Allah decide.
“And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient” – Surah Al baqarah verse 155.

Healing from brokenness takes time, Iman, courage and strength.

But know that Allah is Al-Jabbar, the One who restore and mend the broken hearts.

Above all,

We are nothing but His slaves. A slave of Allah has no wants because what Allah wants is what the slaves want.

We are nothing but His Khalifah. A Khalifah of Allah only does things for the sake of Allah.

May this sharing benefit inshaAllah.

I apologies for my flaws and if my writing hurt you in any ways.

May Allah and Rasulullah be pleased with all of us and grant us Husnul Khatimah. Amin.

Hajj bedtime stories for little ones!

7 Aug

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Allahumma Solli Alaihi Wa’ala Alihi Sohbihi wasallim..

Salam everyone!

It’s midweek Wednesday. The day Allah created light mashaAllah. It is recommended from the book Talim Mutallim to start our learning journey on a Wednesday with an intention may Allah put light in our heart, because knowledge is light.


It has been a hectic week for me and my Little Quran Kids team. We are planning and finalising our #lqk2020. Alhamdulillah.💚 Alhamdulillah.💚 Alhamdulillah.💚 Do mark this date 7 & 8 September 2019 because we will be opening registration soon!

And yeayyy! It’s a holiday long weekend for me and family! Well, as I am packing up for the family, I would like to take some time with you (my darling followers) to reflect on the soul of Hari Raya Haji as we are counting down to day of Arafah!

I have yet to perform Hajj, inshaAllah one day. And I am not an Umrah person expert either. So every Zulhijjah, I will try my best to do the deeds that carry the same rewards of Hajj. And trust me, it’s easier said than done. Nevertheless, Hajj is still an obligation when you are financially stable.

Recently in our LittleQuranKids classes, with Allah’s grace and mercy we are able to experience Mini Hajj with the kids mashaAllah. They managed to do a little Tawaf, little Sa’i and a little Jamrah experience. If you look at their Ihram attire and their cute pictures, you will surely laugh! MashaAllah mashaAllah to the kids and teachers.

So here allow me to share with you the 3 deeds that carry the rewards of Hajj:

1. Isyak prayer in congregation.

2. Subuh prayer in congregation followed by Sunnah Ishraq 2 rakaah.

3. Going to the Masjid for seeking knowledge purposes.

MashaAllah mashaAllah. There are more actually. But I decided to only share things I’ve done and trying my best to Istiqamah with it. You can browse them through online okay?

And and..

I have been getting request from my kids to tell them about “Rasulullah bedtime stories” nowadays. So instead of giving the kids Hajj kit and sensorial play on Hajj, it has been about storytelling with them about Rasulullah’s life, his wives, his daughters and how Rasulullah loves his Ummah so much. So this Hajj bedtime stories will be about the “Last sermon of Rasulullah.”

Personally, I am still internalising all the information in the sermon. But here I am sharing with you points that you can relate with kids about Hajj from the Last Sermon.

1. Rasulullah and Hajar Aswad.

Introduce the children about Hajar Aswad, and how intelligent is Rasulullah to solve the problem of putting the Hajar Aswad together with the Arab leaders.

2. Rasulullah and his best friend forever.

Sharing with them that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim. Tell them the story about Rasulullah and Sayyidina Abu Bakar As-Siddiq in the Cave of Thawr. Tell them about how Sayyidina Abu Bakar sacrificed his wealth for Rasulullah. Tell them how Sayyidina Abu Bakar his life for Rasulullah. Tell them how Sayyidina Abu Bakar endure the scorpion’s bite so that Rasulullah can take a sound sleep mashaAllah.

3. Rasulullah and the Quran.

Share with them that Rasulullah left us Quran and Sunnah. If we love Allah, follow Rasulullah. If we love Rasulullah, learn to see how the Companions love Rasulullah. If we love the companions of Rasulullah, look at they love the Quran, treat the Quran, have manners with the Quran, recite and apply what is in the Quran.

Share with them one Ulama’ said that there are 4 kitab. The summary of the 4 kitab is in the Quran. The summary of the Quran is in Surah Al-Fatihah. The summary of Surah Al-Fatihah is in the verse Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And the summary of that verse is in the letter Ba. So, please take care of Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim not only before and after eating, but in everything we do. Because there’s more barakah in it! InshaAllah!

MashaAllah mashaAllah.

I hope this little sharing helps inshaAllah.

May one day, Allah Ta’ala welcome all of us to experience Hajj, Umrah and Baitul Maqdis. Amin!

3 types of people in this dunya.

15 Jul


Salaaam alaikum everyone!

MashaAllah it’s been nearly a year since I write a blog. Truly apologies for the silence. I took this break to prepare my #firstborn daughter for her Madrasah entrance test. Then Ramadhan then Syawal, and mashaAllah we are approaching to Zulhijjah soon. How time flies…




After Syawal, my heart was feeling disappointed, sad, and all those feeling.

If you ask me What I need?

I will straight away reply :

“I need Tarim!

I need some spiritual retreat!”

MashaAllah mashaAllah.

Truly Allah listens😭😭😭

I chanced upon a 7 days session on Ijazah Ulum Quran and Talaqi Kitab Al-Hikam with Sh. NINOWY from USA , founder of Madina Institute. And Ya Allah, the heart wakes up!

Then mashaAllah, another #cintahati Habib Kadzhim from Tarim came to coax this heart of mine. Speechless Subhanallah.

Now as I am getting back to track with LittleQuranKids and mashaAllah other work related collaboration, allow me to share with you the 3 types of people in dunya that was shared by Sh. Ninowy in one of the halaqah session.

There are 3 types of people :

1. People who want dunya : Allah will gives him dunya.

2. Peple who want Akhirah : Allah will give him Akhirah.

3. People who want Allah: Allah will gives Himself to him in Jannah.

What does it mean to be the people of Allah?

It means to do everything that pleases Allah.

We eat to please Allah.

We go to work to please Allah.

We travel to please Allah.

We cook to please Allah.

We solah to please Allah.

And we make du’a to please Allah too. Everytime we make du’a, Know that Allah grants du’a for those He pleases, and those He doesn’t. So always ask Allah for the best, because when He granted the best for us, it is a sign that indeed He is pleases with us inshaAllah.

For example :

I want a twin children.

Instead of asking Allah Ya Allah i want twins, say:

“Ya Allah, if having twins is the best for me, then please give what is best.

If having twins is not the best for me, make my heart pleases with your Taqdir. ”

MashaAllah mashaAllah.

Hope this sharing awaken our heart ti renew our wants and intentions.

Revisit that want.

Review that desire.

Reevaluate that dream.

May Allah protect our heart and grant us His love and blessings always. AMIN.

Take care of heart, everyone.

Su’aidah Salim.

Because Akhirah is the real happily ever after.

11 Jan


Allahumma Solli Alaihi Wa’ala Alihi Sohbihi wasallim..

Salam Jum’ah everyone!

Alhamdulillah. Hopefully the beginning of 2019 brings light and love to everyone..

Yesterday was a teary emotional night for me.

Have you ever feel that you are a bad daughter?

Have you ever feel that you are a bad wife?

Have you ever feel that you are a bad mother too? 😭

Whenever I feel that way, i will ask myself WHY.

The reason I feel that I am not a good daughter, is because I am comparing myself with what my siblings who can give more to my parents that I can’t.

The reason why I feel that I am not a good wife is because I am comparing myself with other wives who cook, wash laundry and serve their husband perfectly and I can’t.

The reason why I feel that I am not a good mother is because I am comparing my children with the other children who are better.

Astaghfirullah adzhim.

Astaghfirullah Adzhim.

Astaghfirullah Adzhim.

Then I reflect on my school. LittleQuranKids.

What is the future?

What is next?

What can I do more?

I keep digging the answer.

And dig more.

But the only answer my heart says:

“Why are you doing this?”

Why, Why, Why?

Why I want to be a good daughter?

Why I want to be a good wife?

Why I want to be a mother?

Why I want to be a good successful person?

Why I want LittleQuranKids?

My heart replied :

Love of D. U. N. Y. A

And I broke down.

That very reason is a total.

Love of dunya, is never and will never become the main reason of what I am doing what I am doing now.

Then this Hadith came to rescue me:

لبيك إن العيش عيش الآخرة

/Labbaik, innal ‘aisya ‘aisyul akhirah/
“Oh Allah, indeed real life is in the life Akhirah. “(HR. Bukhari 2834, Muslim 1805)


Then I started to renew my intention.

I started to renew my wants.

I started to renew my needs.

What past is past.

I can’t change it.

I cannot start over.

But I can start again to make a good Husnul Khatimah. (ending)

Just look at how the great of Allah live their life in dunya. And Allah end their life a good ending mashaAllah.


We can love dunya but love it at oir hands, not our heart.


We can fight for dunya but fight it with the name of Allah and Rasulullah.


We can want Dunya but want it for the sake of Allah and Rasulullah.

So ladies,

Whenever you think that you are not worth it, think of Akhirah.

Because Akhirah is the real ending.

Because Akhirah is the real home.

Because Akhirah is the real happily ever after.

Hugs! 🤗😍🤗

Try to alter your du’a.

21 Dec

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Allahumma Solli Alaihi Wa’ala Alihi Sohbihi wasallim. 💚💚💚

Salam Jum’ah everyone!

MashaAllah mashaAllah mashaAllah.

It has been a goooood December. And I have always been loving loving December.


About Little Quran Kids, my team have contacted parents about our latest news and changes for 2019. We truly apologise for the inconvenience caused because this happened due to unforeseen administration issues. May Allah eases all your affairs and ours. May Allah grant us tranquility and wisdom in handling this inshaAllah..

Now today inshaAllah,

As we are approaching towards end of the year and the coming new year, many of us must have listed down new things to do and make many good beneficial plans for selves, family, friends and children.


We must dream.


We must do.


We must make du’a.

But recently I was reading an article about ‘altering your dua’ and mashaAllah it truly made an impact on me.

Sometimes we wonder the reasons why,

We’ve been making du’a but it seems like nothing happens.

Or perhaps we’ve been making du’a and putting many efforts in it but still nothing happens.

Or maybe we’ve been making dua, putting efforts, and even travel for Umrah to seek help but MashAllah still, nothing happens.

Always have faith that our Allah always listen.

Our Allah hears.

Our Allah knows.

Our Allah accepts.

So whenever we are making du’a, Habib A said 3 things happened :

1. Allah will grant on the spot.

2. Allah will grant on Allah’s time.

3. Allah will grant the du’a in Akhirah inshaAllah.

If we truly understand this concept,

Wht we can do is to alter our du’a.

So if we have been asking Allah to be a millionaire, alter it. Ask Allah to make us people who loves to sadaqah.

If we have been asking Allah for love of a husband, alter it. Ask Allah to put love of Allah and Rasulullah in our heart first, then the husband.

If we have been asking Allah for children, alter it. Ask Allah to give us anyone that bring us closer to Him and His deen.



Wala ilaha illallah.

Allahu Akbar.

Wa la hawla wala quwwa illa billahil ‘aliyyil’ adzhim.

Always know and believe that,

I plan.

You plan.

They plan.

We plan.

But Allah is the best planner.

May Allah grant all of your du’a. Amin! 💚💚💚😍

10 tips to take care of our heart, and others.

30 Nov


Salam Alaikum everyone!

It’s Jum’ah,

It’s coming soon to December,

And it’s still on the beloved month of Rabiulawal!

Many must have started their holiday.

Some are working, preparing for new house, preparing for new born baby, preparing for wedding and many more. May Allah eases all your affairs and grant you happiness and success of both world inshaAllah!

It’s our second short road trip to nearby Malaysia, and mashaAllah we truly had great fun!

We were so excited to begin this journey with our school friend’s families, and mashaAllah on our first night, Allah reminded us about gratitude of life when we saw and experienced a boy drowning at the hotel pool. One of our friend helped out with CPR and later the ambulance came. Innalillah wainna ilaihi rajiun. We lost the boy. May Allah put him in the highest place in Jannah, and may Allah rewards his parents with immense Sabr. Amin.

That was a great reminder for me, to always check on the status of the heart. Even in happiness and holiday, we neeed to submit, Syukr and sabr to Allah’s taqdir. MashaAllah.

So today,

Allow me to share with you 2 things.

5 tips to take care of our heart and

5 tips to take care others’ heart.

When we talk about taking care of our heart, it is about taking care of our relationship with Allah. One of the Sufi scholar said that to take care of the heart means, life is about you and Allah only. That level increases when the heart only sees Allah, even when you don’t see yourself. MashaAllah.

For example :

The heart sees you and Allah. When you are hungry and is eating a nice black pepper crab, you know it is Allah who gives you the Rizq.

The other example, is when the heart only sees Allah. When you are hungry and you know that even if you had no food to eat, you believe that Allah will never leave you in hunger. It is now just about Allah, not you anymore.




These few road trips taught me a lot about 5 tips to take care of our heart :

1. Have good opinions of Allah.

2. Have good opinions of people.

3. Take care of Solah (The wajib).

4. Be consistent.

5. Be in secret.

5 tips to take care of people’s heart :

1. Don’t talk too much about yourself, in front of others.

2. Respect each other’s differences.

3. Accept others, their strength and weakness.

4. Smile a lot!

5. Put their needs and wants above us.


May this little helps 😍💜💚

The wisdom behind the letter ا & م

5 Oct

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Allahumma Solli ‘Ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wasohbihi wasallim.

Bless Jum’ah morning everyone!




This 3 days has been blessed mashaAllah with the presence of a mashaAllah Ulama’ from Yaman, Tarim Habib Umar bin Hafiz. You can know and read more about Habib here inshaAllah :

💚When we were at Sultan mosque, one of the beautiful takeaways Habib gave us was: Choose Rasulullah. Love Rasulullah. Follow Rasulullah. Because to gain Allah’s love is only through Rasulullah.

Habib shared the importance of Solat Jemaah. And in Solat Jemaah has its Sunnah. So follow the sunnah, because if we leave one sunnah in solat Jemaah it will lead to lack of Unity in the Ummah mashaAllah.

💚When we were at Al-Falah mosque, one of the important takeaway Habib shared was: Do good to those who hurt you.

Habib shared the story of Abu Lahb, Rasulullah’s uncle who hated him. There’s one time, Abu Lahab dig a deep hole in a forest and cover it with leaves, so that when Rasulullah walked over it, he will fall. But instead with Allah’s plan, it is Abu Lahab who fell, and Rasulullah came for help.

When we were at Madrasah Aljunied, one of the mashaAllah takeaways Habib said was: Speak only the good, or keep quiet.

When we were at Ba’lawie mosque, I am awed by Habib’s amazing du’a :

Oh Allah you are the best Cure.

If there is sickness in our heart, cure them.

If there is Arrogance in our heart, cure them.

If there is gossiping in our heart cure them.’




I’ve always dream to bring my husband and kids to experience Tarim in Yaman but ya Allah, Habib himself came to us and showered us many gems and jewels of Love of Islam.

This brings me to my sharing today on the purpose of life.

I feel in general all of us know why Allah created human.
وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ – 51:56

I did not created the Jin and man except to worship me.

My teacher shared with me,

then why Allah created woman?

And why Allah created man?

At that time, I was wondering the answer too.

She replied :

The answer is in the wisdom behind the letter Alif and Mim.

Allah created woman as an UMام : To educate.

Allah created man as an Imam امام: To lead.

ام + امام : امۃ

So as a parent,

We are doing Da’wah to our kids.

We are raising an Ummah.

We are raising Believers.

We are raising people who benefit others.




This journey to Allah,

This journey to Rasulullah,

This journey to Jannah,

Is surely not easy.

So please and always,

Take care of the heart.

Because Allah never look at our face and our physical, but Allah looks at our heart and our action.