Archive | February, 2020

Never assume, because assumption poisons the the people you love. πŸ˜˜

10 Feb

Bismillah Wassolatu wassalam ‘ala Rasulullah wa’ ala Alihi wasohbihi wasallim.


I’m grateful for all the blessings Allah bestowed upon me. I’m grateful more for the bitter experiences Allah allowed me to go through. Alhamdulillah this year 2020 is a beginning of change. I’m not a fan of change but inshaAllah with Allah’s mercy and guidance, I am trying my best to embrace change.

A change of my kid’s school routine.

A change of my work and management in Little Quran Kids.

A change of my parent’s living back in Singapore.

And some other changes. MashaAllah.

With these overwhelming changes, I will need to be involve more in the field and communicate with people. Earlier this year, something very emotional experience happened. It involved me and how I deal with the people around me. I am still struggling to solve this, but nevertheless I am very thankful to go through this mashaAllah.

This whole feeling reminds me of my Adab with the people around me. How do I take care of my heart and their heart too. How do I don’t hurt myself and not hurting them too. How to I don’t feel pain and not letting them be in pain too. How do I not cry alone at night and not letting them cry alone too.

And I found the answer in this 2:

1. Renew Intention. Know that in everything we do, make sure we do for the sake of Allah. We do to please Allah. We do to please Rasulullah. We do for Allah. Never do things to please people. Never do things to please your mother. Never do things to please your boss. Never do things to please your husband. So in case you are feeling imbalance somewhere in your life, return to your intention and renew it back. This helps a lot. InshaAllah ❀️

2. Take care of Adab. You may be a stay-at-home mother. You may be student. You may be working and studying. You may be in business. Or even volunteering in a community. Whatever you are doing right now, know that apart from achieving those goals and dreams, take a step back, to appreciate the people around you. Take time to be kind. Take time to make someone smile every day. How? By taking care of our manners with the people around us. Here are 5 Adab with friends, colleagues and people around I learnt from my teacher :

1. Think good. Among all, this is the number one important we need to train our mind with. To think good of our friends even when the situation seems negative. Let’s say you are attending a Quran class and you saw a lady came without hijab wearing red lipstick. The kind automatically will think good. Now, stop that bad thought. Always find good in someone. Perhaps she is a Muallaf. Perhaps she just came back from work. Never ever assume, because assumption poisons the people you love. I’ve experienced this before, and it is extremely painful. There was a story of how a man think good to everyone met. He thinks good of an elderly man because he is older and had performed many good deeds. He thinks good of a young boy because he is younger and is lesser in sins. He thinks good of a dog because all animals will enter Jannah. MashaAllah. May Allah grant us Husnuz Zhon always amin!

2. Love them for the sake of Allah. Begin the relationship with love. Love starts with Rahmah. And Rahmah begins with Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam. Treat the people around us with love and sincerity. Buy them gifts during their birthdays. Visit them when they are sick. Text them motivation messages once in a while. Just bear in mind, tht this action you do is only to please Allah, and nothing else matters.

3. Overlooked their mistakes. In any relationship, there are bound to be flaws, mistakes, jealousy and other hiccups. Embrace this. If you really love that person and sincerely appreciate your relationship, you will overlooked their mistakes and start a new. Our Allah is Al-Afuw Al-Ghafur. Our Rasulullah forgives his Ummah. And what about us? Overlooked their mistakes means move forward, improve, and Forget about it. This is where we always thought that its okay to forgive but not forget. I beg to differ. We need to forgive and forget. Not because of the relationship per se. But because of our heart, to purify this heart into a sound clean heart inshaAllah.

5. Make du’a secretly for them. Last but not least, always make du’a for them secretly because the Angels will surely grant a du’a which is kept secret.

4. Forgives them. Only when we can forget their flaws, forget their mistakes, forget the hurt they threw to is, then we will be able to forgive them sincerely. There was a story during about the secret of one Sahabah who enters Jannah: He forgives everyone before he sleeps and that’s include forgiving himself. May Allah make us the people who loves to Forgive. AminπŸ’š

From the bottom of my heart,

I love each and everyone of you Lillahi Ta’ala. May Allah put barakah and Iman in our relationship. May this relationship be the reason we are grant the protection of Allah on Judgement day. Amin..