The best parenting goal I’ve ever know.

25 Oct

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Allahumma Solli Alaihi Wa’ala Alihi Sohbihi wasallim.

Salam Jum’ah Jum’ah everyone!

MashaAllah mashaAllah. It’s a busy term and hope our hearts are healing and reaching Allah and Rasulullah inshaAllah. 💚

Last night was the final sessioof my #lovelettersfromAllah. I am grateful to see how many of you grow and learn from each other mashaAllah. I pray that after attending many sessions of #lovelettersfromAllah, we are better than who we were yesterday inshaAllah.

Alhamdulillah yesterday, I started the session with a soul reflection by sharing with them how the people of Tarim measure their success. The people of Tarim feels that by the age of 30, if you have not dream of Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam, means you need to buck up more. You are not there yet. MashaAllah mashaAllah.

Then, I shared about the story of how these two Yamani mothers raised their sons. Their parenting goal is to ensure that :

1. The child dream of Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam.

2. The child has Husnul Khatimah (good death)



It make me reflect how far am I as a mother from these good solih people.

It make me reflect how far am I as a Muslimah from these good solih people.

Our wants,

Our priorities,

Our choices.

Especially our relationship with Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam.

As we are approaching to the month of Rasulullah, month of Rabiulawal, let us priorities Rasulullah as how Rasulullah has been prioritising us during his lifetime.

He sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam priorities us over food.

He sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam priorities us over the Angel’s Jibril offer to make mountain of Uhud as gold.

He sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam priorities us over his sleep.

He sollallahu alaihi waalalihi wasaallam priorities us over his sahabah.

One day when Sayyidatina Aisha Radhiyallahu anha saw Rasulullah with a cheerful face, she said :

“Oh Rasulullah, make du’a to Allah for me.”

Rasulullah replied :

“Oh Allah, forgive Aisha for her past and future sins, in secret and in public.

Sayyidatina Aisha laughed so much that her head fell on his lap.

Rasulullah said:

” Does my du’a make you happy? ”

She replied :

” Why would your du’a make not make me happy?

Rasulullah said:

” By Allah, it is my du’a for my Ummah in every prayer. “

Sahih Ibn Hibban 7266

MashaAllah ladies,

Let’s think good of Rasulullah.

And let’s do more for him,

Especially in our daily selawat.

Allahumma Solli Alaihi Wa’ala Alihi Sohbihi.

May one day,

All of us get to dream Rasulullah before we die. Amin. 😭😭😭

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