May Ramadhan stays, in the heart.

24 Jun

Bismillah mashaAllah.

It’s the last day of Ramadhan 1438.

Let us spend today with a good state of mind.

Let us spend today with a good state of heart.

Let us spend today with a good state of body.

If we have not been terawih more this Ramadhan, think good. InshaAllah Allah will forgive and accept us.

If we have not been more grateful this Ramadhan, think good. InshaAllah Allah will forgive and accept us.

If we have not been controlling our nafs more this Ramadhan, think good. InshaAllah Allah will forgive and accept us.

If we have not been doing more Ibadah this Ramadhan, think good. InshaAllah Allah will forgive and accept us.

If we have not been able to read the Quran more this Ramadhan, think good. InshaAllah Allah will forgive and accept us.

If we have not been going for Qiyam more this Ramadhan, think good. InshaAllah Allah will forgive and accept us.

If we have not been forgiving the people who hurt us this Ramadhan, think good. InshaAllah Allah will forgive and accept us.

As we are spending the last day at Bukit Indah and listening to a mashaAllah powerful advice of My favourite Ustazah E.S. She says:

“2 advices you must remember:

1. Take care of Istighfar during Sahur time.

2. Make Sayyidatina Fatimah Az-Zahra’ your role model.” – Ustazah E.S

Ramadhan is leaving us, but controlling nafs stays.

Ramadhan is leaving us, but giving sadaqah stays.

Ramadhan is leaving us,

But qiyam and tahajjud stays.

Ramadhan is leaving us,

But be kind and be grateful stays.

Ramadhan is leaving us, but reciting Quran stays.

Be loyal in Ibadah, because Allah always waiting and listening.💚💚💚

May the ibadah of Ramadhan, stays in the heart. Amin!



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